We had an early Trick-or-Treat last Sunday which was held at Nepo Mall where our perfume shop is located. We registered in their yearly costume parade so that Marcie could join in. Unfortunately, this little girl wasn't in her best mood. She was cranky the whole time & didn't want to wear her costume. :( For this year I wanted to make her costume unique & cost efficient at the same time. I really had no idea until I saw her floaty when she went swimming last Saturday. I thought it looked like a spaceship so ding ding ding! Idea! My mom got her this orange Halloween shirt with matching leggings when they went to the states last month so I made her wear that. I then wrapped silver paper plates around her arms & legs to give her that martian look. I also covered a headband with foil & attached small plastic pots (also covered with aluminum foil) & Styrofoam balls on top of the pots for her head gear. It's supposed to look like she has extra eyes on top of her head. I tied her hair with lots of ponytails for the weird look effect. I then covered her floaty with foil too so she could have a little spaceship. Hehe. Lots of people adored this little martian kid.
Too bad I couldn't really get a nice shot of her because she wasn't really in the mood that day. But I still got a few to share.
My little (cranky) martian kid:
With her little spaceship:

Enjoying her goodies:

Finally! Is that a little smile I see on her face?

Hihiihihi..Happy Halloween! Trick or treat? Sorry it's late haha.. She's so cute in her costume!!
kagaling mu talaga gracie :-D happy halloween hihihi
hehehe ive just seen this! shes sooo cute!! send my *hugs* to your girl Gracie! mwah!!
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