Wow! We're half way through October already! I woke up today and found some traditional Christmas native goodies on our dining table. I felt the Christmas spirit as I ate the "Putobumbong" & "suman" my dad bought for breakfast. Christmas in the Philippines won't be complete without them. Yum!
My Christmas Mojo has been present lately too and for these past few days I've been making part 2 of my Christmas projects. This time around... Christmas cards. There was a World Card Making Day Challenge from Fiskars blog & their challenge was to create 3 Christmas cards with the same basic pattern but using different papers. In addition to that, you also have to use non-traditional Christmas colors. At first I wasn't sure about which colors to use since we're all used to the Green & Red theme. But after I finished the 1st card, it became easier to do the rest. Here they are:

Mr. Postman also dropped by today to hand me this:
It's the Fiskars Finger Tip Control Craft knife which I won from their Blinkie Challenge way back in August. It was suppose to come with an apron but this alone is already good enough. I can't wait to play with it!

Well off I go to do some paper work! I've been putting these off for days now & I might get in trouble if I don't finish them today. Lol. I'll be back to post a new LO & more cards. I haven't taken their pics yet so I'll just post them soon. Bye for now! :)
hi, gracie!
love the grid LO and then some. anubayan, natakan ako tuloy sa puto bumbong! :)
I also have that fiskars knife - great tool for hard-to-cut pps designs.
wow! buti ka pa nagamit mo na yung mga stamps na nabili mo.
will leave the threading water punch at your store neh. sensha na dela ke. :)
Hi dear. Wow.. I love your cards *drooling* really love it.. :)
naingit ako sa puto bumbong mo and suman -- the first one is my fave as in,.. now its going to be the 2nd xmas without it.. ty for poppin over my blog -- will be posting new layouts soon.. ty
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